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New NIRS knowledge sharing inititative powered by FOSS is a place for near infrared analysis experts and feed industry professionals to come together to discover more about NIR analysis and its potential without directly pushing branded products and services. https:

Social media site to help global feed production

New site brings NIR technology experts and feed industry professionals together

FOSS announces a new web site for the feed industry called

Sponsored by FOSS, is a place for near infrared (NIR) analysis experts and feed industry professionals to come together to discover more about NIR analysis and its potential in the feed industry without directly pushing branded products and services. The goal is to produce valuable, objective advice and opinions, to give industry professionals more insight into the use of NIR in the Feed industry. It features contributors, partners and industry professionals sharing their valuable input and engaging in an active, industry-specific community. There are no fees or obligations when participating in the community.

The site has two main sections: Shared Perspectives and Resources.

Shared Perspectives is an online "event" where selected industry professionals offer their thoughts on a relevant technical or business challenge within NIR and feed. Each "event" has several participants representing different technology and feed industry disciplines with different angles on the challenge. It aims to be a valuable industry resource that helps to promote new technology development. Comments can be provided and a related nirperformance "LinkedIn" discussion group and Twitter news feed extends the sites across search and social channels.
Resources is a library for diverse NIR related material including articles, white papers and video interviews, structured under four categories: Calibration; Production Control; Technology and Application. Material can be downloaded and comments can be shared. Visitors can also submit relevant and non-promotional material to share on the site.

The site already includes a number of articles and interviews and the first shared perspectives topic is ready for visitors to explore. The subject is whether routine analysis of enzyme substrates is viable and how it could reduce feed production costs.

NIR and improved feed

The feed industry has a vital role to play in making food production more effective. Feed costs, for example, can account for up to 70% of the cost of meat. Routine analysis with NIR is commonplace in the feed industry today, for example, for checking protein content of raw materials for optimal feed formulation. Experts broadly agree however, that routine analysis with NIR technology has a far greater potential to improve the output of affordable feed and food.

From: Software & Computer
Date: Apr 30, 2013


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