KASO Plastics, Inc., a long-time Vancouver, Washington plastic injection molder, announces the acquisition of the Vanguard line of molded window products from VPL Enterprises Ltd. of Langley, British Columbia, Canada. https:
KASO Plastics, Inc., along-time Vancouver,Washington plasticinjection molder,announces the acquisition of the Vanguardlineof molded windowproducts fromVPL EnterprisesLtd.ofLangley, British Columbia, Canada. Theproprietary productline developed by VPLis one that no longerfits theirbusiness planand was acquired by KASO throughthe acquisition ofinventory, dies,and manufacturingfixturesinexchange forcash. Darin King, KASO’s V.P. General Manager, believesthe acquisition willincrease manufacturingefficiency and addincreased stability to KASO’s longtermwork force.
The move fitsin nicely with KASO’s knowledge, experience, and equipment, and, byKASO’s estimates, willadd sixorseven full-time jobs.
KASO has been in operation for 51yearsandhas beenlocatedin Vancouver,WAsince1984. The transactionisexpected to beconcluded on